So... What after jam?

So my game gained a lot of feedback after the jam and because of that i wanted to give it a small update. But as always I couldn't just stop on small update so i started changing everything. First I began to change the graphics.

Here is screen in the first release:

And here is screen after graphical update:

I'm new to pixel art and it is taking long to create goo art but with practise I hope further sprites will be done in much quicker time. 

Also I added health system so you don't die immediately and you can increase your health by picking up broken Sun symbols.

I also added in-air dash, which probably will be unlocke during game, just like double jump in previous version. I will try to make the world as open as I can. I'm thinking to create it in metroidvania style, where new branches open up as you gain new abilities. There is still a lot of to add like: characters, many decorations sprites etc. If you are intrested in development of this game please follow me on :)

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